We are a specialized bioinformatics and programming company with a scientific profile.

We offer bioinformatics, programming, analytical and consulting services for companies and research centers. We program in R and Python and our team consists of high-class scientists with experience in artificial intelligence, biology, chemistry, medicine and statistics.

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Statistical analysis

We provide specialized biostatistics for business and science. We perform statistical analyses and data vizualisation according to your needs. Our experts are experienced scientists and they will suggest and apply the appropriate methods and the highest quality analysis.

Correlation network analysis

For a large number of traits we construct correlation networks and visualize them. Traits are represented by nodes, lines (edges) correspond to correlations between the pairs of traits. We detect modules that are clusters with highly correlated traits and also hubs which are traits with many connections.

Chromatographic data analysis

Xenstats specializes in chromatographic data analysis for data obtained by the LC-MS, GC-MS, LC-UV, LC-FLR, Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. We provide comprehensive analysis from raw data, through preprocessing and peak annotation to statistical analysis. For large chromatographic data sets, we additionally offer correlation network analysis. We use our own scripts in the R system and non-commercial programs.

RNA-seq data analysis

We perform next generation sequencing (NGS) data analysis. For RNA-seq data we offer: processing and filtering, gene and transcript expression estimation, differential expression analysis and genome-based as well as genome- independent (de novo) transcriptome assembly and annotation.


We organise bioinformatic workshops for beginners and professionals focused on statistical data analysis in R, RNA sequencing data analysis, chromatographic data processing and analysis in non-commercial programs.


Our experts are scientists in fields such as: mathematics, statistics, bioinformatics, biology and chemistry. We will be happy to support you with our knowledge and experience. Please contact us to discuss how we can help you.

E-mail: [email protected]
Contact via LinkedIn

Xenstats sp. z o.o.
ul. Otwarta 1
60-008 Poznań
NIP: 7792505356
VAT number: PL 7792505356
REGON: 383181648
KRS: 0000783448